Fiber consumption linked to lower breast cancer risk

Fiber consumption linked to lower breast cancer risk.

Women with highest fiber consumption had reduced breast cancer risk of eight percent.*

The findings are especially important to women. It’s easy to increase your fiber intake.

Jesse Slome, director of the American Association of Critical Illness Insurance

Genetic data will improve cancer outcomes

Researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health reported new findings this week. A diet high in fiber reduced the incidence of breast cancer.

“The findings are especially important to women. It’s easy to increase your fiber intake,” explains Jesse Slome. Slome is director of the American Association for Critical Illness Insurance (AACII).

The scientists searched 20 studies published through July 2019. Numerous earlier studies have yielded inconsistent results they shared. The earlier studies revealed different findings regarding the potential relationship between fiber intake and breast cancer.

The studies just reviewed showed important information according to Maryam Farvid, PhD. Individuals with the highest consumption of fiber had an eight percent lower risk of breast cancer. Soluble fiber lowered the risk of breast cancer according to Dr. Farvid. A lower risk in both pre-menopausal and postmenopausal women was also linked to a higher total fiber intake. “Our findings provide research evidence supporting the American Cancer Society,” said Dr. Farvid. A diet rich in fiber, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is beneficial for women.

According to the American Association for Critical Illness Insurance, nearly 913,000 women will be diagnosed with cancer in the United States this year. Nearly 276,000 of new cancers diagnosed will be breast cancer.

“Most Americans diagnosed with cancer will survive. New research like this continually improves the health of women and their survival rate,” Slome says. “Surviving cancer often comes with a huge financial toll on the individual and their family.”

Most people diagnosed with cancer today survive

“You are likely to survive a cancer diagnosis. But you’ll take time off from work to undergo testing, treatment and recover,” Slome shares. “Will you continue to be able to work or will you need to deplete your savings to pay rent or mortgage costs?

Consider a modest cancer only insurance policy that can provide $10,000 to as much as $25,000 immediately following a qualifying cancer diagnosis. “Today, costs for someone in their 40s can cost as little as $10 a month,” Slome notes. The Association provides an instant Cancer Insurance Cost Calculator on their website.

Cancer-only insurance can provide a lump sum cash payment immediately following a cancer diagnosis. Read tips that explain important ways to compare and get the best critical illness insurance quotes.

Tips for cancer and critical illness insurance planning

First of all, the Association recommends all men and women over 40 read more about what is critical illness insurance?

Secondly, use the Association’s instant critical illness insurance cost calculator to see an instant estimate of costs for cancer-only insurance coverage.

Thirdly, cancer is only one health risk. Consider a more comprehensive insurance policy that can pay benefits for multiple critical illnesses.

Fourthly, read tips to better compare critical illness insurance coverage. Significantly there are differences between policies. Therefore the helpful tips can save you money.

* Science Daily, April 6, 2020

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