Cancer Insurance Information

Cancer insurance is what most people really want and benefit from

cancer insurance expertA Message from Jesse Slome, Director of the American Association for Critical Insurance

Critical illness insurance was conceived of by a world-renown heart surgeon.  Therefore the first policies available in the 1980s covered heart attacks and heart transplants.

Cancer insurance was also available at the time.  It was typically sold as a completely separate policy. 

Having both options combined into one offering gives consumers  greater choice.  It also gives added options.  Therefore many insurers recognize this.

While the industry category is referred to as “critical illness”.   Today cancer is the main critical illness most people worry about.  Significantly when the Association looked for a product to make available.  We specifically required a product that would offer both options.  Option one is a cancer-insurance only benefit. Option two is a comprehensive ci benefit.

Thank you for taking the time to visit the Association’s website.

Cancer insurance pricing in just seconds

A Cost Calculator can be found on this webpage.  Use it to instantly show costs for $10,000 of cancer insurance coverage.

You will see a cost immediately without entering any personal information.

To start simply click either the Male or Female box.

The costs shown are generally based on the Exclusive Offer from Unified Life Insurance Company.

Want an actual instant cost quote?

You can click the FREE QUOTE box on the advertisement found on this webpage.  When you do, an instant cost quote for BOTH cancer insurance and critical illness insurance can be found.

Why cancer insurance is likely what you really want when you are 40 or 50

You probably worry more about cancer than a heart attack or stroke.  That is understandable and common if you are in your 40s or young 50s.

Over 1.8 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in 2020.
In 2020, some 276,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women.
Many cancers are diagnosed between ages 40 and 70.

Here is the probability of developing invasive cancer during selected ages:

  • Birth to 49:  1 in 29 men – 1 in 17 women
  • 50 to 59:  1 in 16 men, 1 in 16 women
  • 60 to 69: 1 in 8 men, 1 in 10 women
  • 70 and older: 1 in 3 men, 1 in 4 women
    Source: 2020 American Cancer Society Fact File

Why look for a cancer policy that covers up to age 70

Undoubtedly, your risk of cancer is highest after age 70.  Because your risk is highest, your cost for insurance will also be higher.

Often at older ages our financial status has changed.  You will have Social Security benefits.  Secondly you may have 401(k) and retirement savings.  You may no longer make mortgage payments.

Cancer insurance benefits may be most helpful during your working years.  Thus, the Association recommends considering coverage that ends after you generally reach age 70.

Next Steps: What to compare in cancer insurance?
  1.  Decide how much coverage you want.  Compute between 6 and 18 months or rent or mortgage payments.
  2.   Determine if smokers and non-smokers are charged the same.  Compare plans that charge non-smokers less if you do not use tobacco products.
  3.   Find a company that offers policies directly to consumers.
  4.   See if there are any added fees or costs.
  5.   Apply to see if your can meet the health qualifications for coverage.
Additional Resources

Access the latest cancer statistics from the American Cancer Society.

Read health tips and summaries of the latest cancer health research findings.

Learn more about long-term care insurance, find long-term care insurance costs.  Visit the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance website.

Get best Medicare insurance information from local Medicare insurance agents.  Use the American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance’s free online national directory.

Final thoughts for consumers
  • Firstly we believe comparing costs is vital for all consumers.
  • Secondly consider buying coverage directly from an insurance company.
  • Thirdly compare cancer only coverage if you are in your 30s, 40s or young 50s.
  • Fourthly read your policy contract carefully after it is received.
  • Indeed your policy will likely have a 30-day free look.
  • Equally important; keep a copy of the policy where others can find it.
  • Additionally see if rates will change as you get older.
  • Overall think about how many years you want coverage in place.
  • Finally make sure payments are automatic to avoid a policy lapse.

Instant Insurance Cost Calculator

Tell us 3 things about you and see an instant quote for $10,000 of cancer-only insurance coverage. Why?
What is your gender?
What is your current age?
Are you a tobacco user?


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Highly affordable cancer or critical illness insurance

from Unified Life Insurance Company

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American Association for Critical Illness Insurance